Javad Bashari

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-07

Javad Bashari

Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences / Persian Language and Literature

Journal Paper

  1. "Ghiāsi , a poet attached to the office of the vizier Ghiās al-Din Mohammad-e Rashidi"
    Javad Bashari
    Mirror of Heritage, Vol. 21, No 73, pp.119-146, 2024
  2. "A decree authorizing the collection of nozūrāt (offerings) and gifts donated to the Āstān-e Qods, Written by simi of Nishapur (scribed in 845 H/1466 CE)"
    Javad Bashari
    Mirror of Heritage, Vol. 20, No 71, pp.167-188, 2023
  3. "Sa’di and Fakhr-al-Din Abu-Bakr Hawayeji"
    Javad Bashari
    History of Literature - Shahid Beheshti University, Vol. 15, pp.179-198, 2022
  4. "The values of the commentary translation of Ismail b. Mubarak belonging to the year 665 AH"
    Javad Bashari
    Persian language and literature h, Vol. 75, No 245, pp.45-72, 2022
  5. "The oldest accounts of the versified translation of Imam Ali’s Will to Imam Huseyn (peace be upon them)"
    Javad Bashari
    Mirror of Heritage, Vol. 19, No 68, pp.99-113, 2021
  6. "Ascertaining the attribution of some verses to Sheikh Bahā’i"
    Javad Bashari
    Mirror of Heritage, Vol. 18, No 66, pp.185-202, 2020
  7. "A Survey on the Attribution of a Saying to Sa’di and Wassaf"
    Javad Bashari
    Periodical Journal of Iranian Studies, Vol. 10, No 1, pp.65-80, 2020
  8. "Some Old Documents on Sa'di's Relationship with Khidr-"
    Javad Bashari
    Culyure and Folk Literature, Vol. 7, No 29, pp.185-196, 2019
  9. "Some Old Documents on Sa'di's Relationship with Khidr"
    Javad Bashari
    Culyure and Folk Literature, Vol. 7, No 29, pp.185-196, 2019
  10. "Extant works of Ebn-e Khafif and a manuscript of the initial part of his Ketab al-eqtesad"
    Javad Bashari
    Mirror of Heritage, Vol. 17, No 64, pp.41-58, 2019
  11. "The Verses of Shahname in Neyshaburi’s Khalgh al-Ensan"
    Javad Bashari
    Persian Literature, Vol. 9, No 23, pp.101-124, 2019
  12. "Some Old Persian Verses from 4th & 5th century A.H. in some ancient references"
    Javad Bashari
    kohannameh of literary persian, Vol. 10, No 28, pp.123-146, 2019
  13. "Pabarg-16"
    Javad Bashari
    mirror Research, Vol. 29, No 174, pp.101-132, 2019
  14. "Safina, Majmu'a, and Jung"
    Mohammad Afshin Vafaei, Javad Bashari
    kharazme, Vol. 26, No 85, 2019
  15. "Pabarg-15"
    Javad Bashari
    mirror Research, Vol. 29, No 173, pp.61-90, 2019
  16. "Pabarg-e14"
    Javad Bashari
    mirror Research, Vol. 29, No 172, pp.63-85, 2018
  17. "Pabarg-13"
    Javad Bashari
    mirror Research, Vol. 29, No 171, pp.103-130, 2018
  18. "A Review of the List of the Parliament's Manuscripts. Volume 45"
    Javad Bashari
    mirror Research, Vol. 28, pp.153-185, 2018
  19. "A Survey on some Literary Anthologies from Anatolia up to 9th century A.H."
    Javad Bashari, Mohammad Afshin Vafaei
    Name-Farhangestan, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.81-120, 2016
  20. "an Indian Manuscripts from Irshad of Qalanesi in Iran"
    Javad Bashari
    A special Academy - subcontinent, Vol. -, No 3, pp.199-210, 2014