Mahmoud Khatami


Update: 2025-02-28

Mahmoud Khatami

Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences / Philosophy

authored books

  1. "The Philosophy of Neuroscience"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm Publisher, Iran, 2023,
  2. "The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm Publisher, Iran, 2022,
  3. "Philosophy of Mind"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm, Iran, 2022,
  4. "The Dialectic of Religion-Economy"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Pen, Canada, 2021,
  5. "Ibn Arabi on the Fixed Entities"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm Publisher, Iran, 2021,
  6. "Averroës on Reason-Revelation Harmony"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    independent Publication, United States Of America (USA), 2021,
  7. "Henry Corbin on Comparative Philosophy"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    independent publication, United States Of America (USA), 2021,
  8. "The Luminous Heredity in the Sacred History"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm Publisher, Iran, 2020,
  9. "Gadamer and the Problem of Hermeneutic"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm Publisher, Iran, 2020,
  10. "Kant and the Problem of Freiheit"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm, Iran, 2019,
  11. "Capitalism: A Philosophical Relection"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm, Iran, 2019,
  12. "Philosophy of Husserl"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elmi, Iran, 2019,
  13. "The Memetic Philosophy"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm Publisher, Iran, 2018,
  14. "Philosophy of Malebranche"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm Publisher, Iran, 2018,
  15. "Lectures On the Philosophy of Kant"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm Publisher, Iran, 2018,
  16. "The Empirical Philosophy"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm Publisher, Iran, 2018,
  17. "Comparative Philosophy"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm Publisher, 2017,
  18. "Philosophy of Evolution"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm, Iran, 2017,
  19. "Philosophy of Enlightenment"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm, Iran, 2017,
  20. "Philosophy of Value"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Elm, Iran, 2016,
  21. "Fakhr Razi"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Academy of Persian Literature, Iran, 2012,
  22. "Prolegomena for a Philosophhy of Persian Art"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    Iranian Academy of Arts Publication,, Iran, 2011,
  23. "اشاره ای به زیبایی شناسی از منظر پدیدار شناسی (فلسفه و حکمت 2)"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    فرهنگستان هنر, 2011,
  24. "goftarhae"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    farhangestan, 2008,
  25. "مدخل فلسفه غربی معاصر"
    Mahmoud Khatami, مریم سادات
    انتشارات علم, 2008,
  26. "جستارهای صدرایی"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    انتشارات علم, 2007,
  27. "ذهن آگاهی و خود"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    انتشارات علم, 2007,
  28. "From a Sadraean Point of ViewTowards an Elimination of the Subjectivistic self"
    Mahmoud Khatami
    London Academy of Iranian Studies, 2004,