Musa S. Dibadj

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-07

Musa S. Dibadj

Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences / Philosophy

Journal Paper

  1. "ontology of image as text in the prospect of hans..."
    Alireza Razeghi, Musa S. Dibadj
    International Journal of Review in Life Sciences, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.969-976, 2015
  2. "What is Identity? Wittgenstein's Theory on Identity Propositions"
    Musa S. Dibadj
    Philosophy -University of Tehran, Vol. 22, No 1, 2024
  3. "Architecture as Absolute: Reviewing Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Architecture"
    Musa S. Dibadj
    BAGH-E NAZAR, Vol. 21, No 131, 2024
  4. "Our Culture and Future"
    Musa S. Dibadj
    Art and civilization of the ORIENT, Vol. 6, No 3, 2020
  5. "taref"
    Musa S. Dibadj
    History of Philoshopy, Vol. 7, No 3, pp.139-160, 2017
  6. "The nature and concept of residence"
    آتوسا اعظم کثیری , Musa S. Dibadj
    بیناب-دو ماهنامه فرهنگی و هنری, Vol. 2, No 2, pp.9-30, 2015
  7. "Introduction to Iranian Historical Pessimism( in poem and literature)"
    Musa S. Dibadj
    Ketabe mah, Vol. سال هفدهم شماره دوم, No 80, pp.34-40, 2013
  8. "Is the Earth Great & Transcendental?"
    Musa S. Dibadj
    Geography (Scientific Quarterly of the Iranian Geographical Society), Vol. 11, No 37, 2013
  9. "I learn historical Alasma"
    Musa S. Dibadj
    ماهنامه فرهنگی تحلیلی سوره اندیشه, Vol. 64-65, 2012
  10. "on the possibility of Quran Hermeneutic"
    Musa S. Dibadj
    adabe, Vol. سال 4, No 2, 2012
  11. "motaleaat e tatbighi e honar"
    Apena Esfandyari, حبیب الله ایت اللهی , Musa S. Dibadj
    Comparative Studies of Art, Vol. 2, No 3, 2012
  12. "The necessity of philosophical thinking in children education through art"
    Mohamad Sodagar, Musa S. Dibadj, Seyed Gholamreza Islami
    tafakor, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.25-50, 2011
  13. "Critical considerations on the analysis of traditional art, modern art"
    Apena Esfandyari, Musa S. Dibadj, Habib Ayatlolahi
    Journal of visual and applied arts, Vol. 3, No 5, pp.19-33, 2010
  14. "philosophical perpective of the future of tehran"
    Musa S. Dibadj
    Manzar-The Scientific Journal of Landscape, Vol. 6, No 6, 2010
  15. "Outdoor lighting and architectural lighting"
    Musa S. Dibadj
    BAGH-E NAZAR, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.48-50, 2005
  16. "mabani e nazari"
    Musa S. Dibadj
    Quarterly Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 25, 2004